Beli anđeo je detalj freske Mironosice na Hristovom grobu. Nalazi se u manastiru Mileševa. Ova freska je jedan od najlepših radova srpske i evropske srednjovekovne umetnosti. Njen autor je nepoznat. Simboliše nadu, mir i ljubav. Prvi satelitski prenos video signala 1962. između Evrope i Severne Amerike sadržao je sliku Belog anđela iz Mileševe među prvim kadrovima koji su predstavljali pozdrav Evropljana prema Amerikancima. Nešto kasnije, isti signal je bio poslat u svemir prema mogućim vanzemaljskim oblicima života. Beli anđeo je odabran i za ovu priliku jer je postao širom sveta prepoznat kao simbol mira.
White angel is a detail of the fresco Myrrhbearers on Christ's Grave. It is located in the Mileševa monastery. This fresco is one of the most beautiful works of Serbian and European medieval art. Its author is unknown. The white angel symbolizes hope, peace, and love.
The first satellite transmission of video signals in 1962 between Europe and North America contained a picture of the White Angel from Mileseva among the first shots that represented the greeting of Europeans towards the Americans. Sometime later, the same signal was sent into space towards possible extraterrestrial life forms. The white angel was also chosen for this occasion because it became recognized worldwide as a symbol of peace.

Manastir Mileševa je dom nadaleko poznate freske Beli Anđeo, na kojoj je prikazan arhangel Gavrilo. Smešten na reci Mileševici u Prijepolju, manastir Mileševa predstavlja jedno od najznačajnijih dela arhitekture u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji. Ova zadužbina kralja Stefana Vladislava je izgrađena tokom prve polovine 13. veka u raškom stilu. Pored toga što je sahranjen, ktitor i kralj Stefan Vladislav, u jednom trenutku je dozidao spoljašnju pripratu i u nju položio kosti svog strica Svetog Save. On je ovde počivao sve do 1594. godine, kada su Turci rešili da ih odnesu na Vračar i tamo spale. Međutim, detalj po kom se ovaj manastir ističe najviše jeste jedna od njegovih fresaka, freska poznata pod imenom Mironosice na Hristovom grobu gde je Beli anđeo samo detalj veće kompozicije.
Rad nepoznatog autora pripada delu kompozicije "Mironosice na Hristovom grobu" u crkvi Vaznesenja Hristovog. Pored toga što je jedna od najpoznatijih u Srbiji, ona se svrstava i u red najvećih ostvarenja evropskog slikarstva poznog srednjeg veka. Na njoj se nalazi arhangel Gavrilo raširenih krila, dok sedi obučen u belom hitonu na velikom kamenu, prstom pokazuje ka Hristovom grobu tj. mestu vaskrsnuća, i ženama u blizini koje ga posmatraju. Kako je ovde predstavljen kao glasnik Hristovog vaskresnja u koje veruju hrišćanski vernici, freska je postala sinonim za nadu, spasenje i čuda. Ono što je takođe neobično, a vezano za ovu fresku jeste da je Beli anđeo naslikan tako da posetioce iz bilo kog ugla gleda direktno u oči.
Malo poznata činjenica je i da je ona od 16. pa sve do 20. veka bila skrivena od očiju javnosti, tako što je preko nje bila naslikana druga freska. Beli anđeo je svoje lice pokazao prilikom restauracije manastira i od tada ne prestaje da intrigira javnost svojim skladom. S tim u vezi je 1963. godine postao deo kadrova koji je obeležio prvi satelitski prenos signala Telstar između Evrope i Amerike.
Engleski arheolog i novinar ser Artur Evans je krajem 19. veka tvrdio kako ništa što su renesansni majstori stvorili ne može da se poredi sa lepotom Belog Anđela iz Mileševe. Dok je francuska istoričarka Tanja Velmans, vek kasnije, tvrdila da je renesansna umetnost počela da se razvija u Mileševi.
The Mileševa Monastery is home to the widely known White Angel fresco, which depicts the Archangel Gabriel. Located on the Mileševica River in Prijepolje, the Mileševa Monastery is one of medieval Serbia's most significant pieces of architecture. This endowment of King Stefan Vladislav was built during the first half of the 13th century in the Raš style. In addition to being buried, the founder and king Stefan Vladislav, at one point, built an outer narthex and laid the bones of his uncle Saint Sava in it. He rested here until 1594 when the Turks decided to take them to Vračar and burn them there. However, the detail that makes this monastery stand out is one of its frescoes, the fresco known as the Myrrh-bearer at Christ's Tomb, where the White Angel is just a detail of a larger composition.
The work of an unknown author belongs to the composition "Myrrh-bearers at Christ's grave" in the Church of the Ascension of Christ. In addition to being one of the most famous in Serbia, it also ranks among the most significant achievements of European painting of the late Middle Ages. On it is the archangel Gabriel with spread wings, sitting dressed in a white chiton on a large stone, pointing his finger towards Christ's grave, i.e., to the place of resurrection and the women nearby watching him. As it is presented here as a messenger of Christ's resurrection, believed by Christian believers, the fresco has become synonymous with hope, salvation, and miracles. What is also unusual about this fresco is that the White Angel is painted to look directly into visitors' eyes from any angle.
A little-known fact is that from the 16th to the 20th century, it was hidden from the public eye, as another fresco was painted over it. The white angel showed its face during the restoration of the monastery, and since then, it has not stopped intriguing the public with its harmony. In this connection, in 1963, it became part of the crew that marked the first satellite transmission of the Telstar signal between Europe and America.
English archaeologist and journalist Sir Arthur Evans claimed at the end of the 19th century that nothing created by Renaissance masters could compare with the beauty of the White Angel from Mileseva. Meanwhile, a century later, the French historian Tania Velmans claimed that Renaissance art began to develop in Mileseva. If you want to read more interesting stories related to the Serbian language, history, and culture, follow our blog and social media profiles.
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